Streamlining order process with Tabley

Created a minimum viable product concept involving all UX and UI processes, conducted 2 rounds of usability study to validate an idea


An Android-supported app that improves restaurant staff's performance by giving them full control over order tracking, serving and checkout

User problems

Users are struggling with the complexity of the average POS systems and always depend on managers to resolve issues, especially during rush hours.

Business goal

Earn commissions for selling an app to improve restaurant staff's performance by giving them full control over order tracking, serving and checkout.



To ensure secure access to sensitive transaction data and prevent unauthorized use


Simplified order flow

Waiters now can focus on what's important for them to complete orders more easily and faster.


Test productivity

what do we wanted to achieve and what avchieved


restaurant partnerships in door-to-door demos

restaurant partnerships in door-to-door demos


Material Design components

I was recommended to utilize a Material Design library instead of developing custom components.

Design Process

Uncovering the pain points and iterating different versions of the user flow to implement the best suitable for the waiters mainly

I managed the project's strategy, focusing on researching the field by conducting interviews with key industry stakeholders and prioritizing tasks for success to create a minimum viable flow for a successful launch.

One-on-one user interview

One-on-one user interview


User Journey Map

User Flow


Usability study

Rapid Prototyping

Hi-Fi Prototyping

User research key findings

I conducted one-on-one user interviews with 5 people (3 women and 2 men) between the ages of 19 - 50 to gain a better understanding of users' overall work process and to identify any pain points they may have experienced.

  • The user wants to log into the system fast using personal code

  • The user wants to manage orders on multiple levels

  • The user wants to track the status of the order in one place

  • User wants to edit the order at any stage

  • User wants to be able to split or merge tables if there is a need for it

  • User wants to be able to calculate the change tip more quickly in case the customer pays by card


User Journey Map

Competitor research


  • All of them are quite popular on the market with a huge variety of functions and features

  • In general, the function of splitting or adjusting the bill is present in each software researched

  • Two of them do have an appealing visual design


  • Quite expensive for a small business

  • It does not have a separate function for processing delivery or take-out orders, these operations are performed through the reservation of an available table

  • No support for people with disabilities (voice control)

User Flow

Paper sketches

Low-fidelity wireframes

I highlighted key screens to keep up with the main idea of the app.

Testing different scenarios

I wanted to test different scenarios of switching between the view modes and determine the importance of this functionality. I found that most people prefer to switch using the button rather than going back or using the menu. However, there are not many cases where they actually need to switch.

Scenario #1

Users can go back with the back button. 5 of 6 chose the switch button.

Scenario #2

With the menu button to switch between the views.


The use of additional libraries, such Material Design to solve quick problems.


Rapid testing gives quick results in the early stages